“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is an eagerly anticipated animated superhero film set to release in 2023. Serving as a direct sequel to the critically acclaimed “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” this instalment promises to take audiences on another exhilarating, mind-bending adventure. Picking up where the previous film left off, Miles Morales, the young Spider-Man, embarks on a journey through alternate dimensions, encountering new allies and formidable villains. With its unique animation style, vibrant visuals, and compelling storyline, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is set to deliver a thrilling and visually stunning cinematic experience that will leave fans of all ages eagerly web-slinging into theatres.
Star Cast
- Shameik Moore(Miles Morales )
- Hailee Steinfeld(Gwen Stacy)
- Oscar Isaac(Miguel O’Hara)
- Jake Johnson(Peter B. Parker)
- Issa Rae(Jessica Drew)
- Luna Lauren Velez(Rio Morales )
- Rachel Dratch(Principal )