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In English, world is rooted in a compound of the obsolete words were, man, and eld, age; thus, its oldest meaning is "Age of Man." Its primary modern meaning is the planet Earth, especially when capitalized: the World. In this sense, a world map is a map of the surface of the Earth. World can also refer to human population in general or to a distinct group of people.

Physical Location
"world" is sometimes used to mean any planet; for example, Mars and Jupiter are two worlds within the solar system.World is sometimes used to refer to the entire Universe. This is less common now that knowledge of space is more commonplace.


First World
First World refers to nations that were within the Western European and United States' sphere of influence � e.g., the NATO countries of North America and Western Europe, Japan, and some of the former British colonies such as Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Second World
Second World referred to nations within the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, principally the Warsaw Pact countries. Besides the Soviet Union proper, most of Eastern Europe was run by satellite governments working closely with Moscow.

Third War
Third World refers to nations within neither sphere of influence, who were often members of the Non-Aligned Movement. They were mostly developing countries, and many of them are located in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

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